The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America

By James Darsey
Published: 1997
Open Access Since: 2014
Paperback ISBN: 9780814719244
Hardcover ISBN: 9780814718766
Consumer eBook ISBN: 9780814744154
Library eBook ISBN: 9780814720981
Number of pages: 292 pages

This expansive volume traces the rhetoric of reform across American history, examining such pivotal periods as the American Revolution, slavery, McCarthyism, and today's gay liberation movement. At a time when social movements led by religious leaders, from Louis Farrakhan to Pat Buchanan, are playing a central role in American politics, James Darsey connects this radical tradition with its prophetic roots.
Public discourse in the West is derived from the Greek principles of civility, diplomacy, compromise, and negotiation. On this model, radical speech is often taken to be a sympton of social disorder. Not so, contends Darsey, who argues that the rhetoric of reform in America represents the continuation of a tradition separate from the commonly accepted principles of the Greeks. Though the links have gone unrecognized, the American radical tradition stems not from Aristotle, he maintains, but from the prophets of the Hebrew Bible.

Contributor Bios

James Darsey is Assistant Professor of Communication at Northern Illinois University.


"The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America importantly connects the radical rhetorical tradition with biblical (prophetic) roots as an alternative to the Greek rhetorical tradition. . . . The book also makes an important contribution to the history of the present in showing that contemporary radical movements are grounded in American tradition and ethos. The story tells of a direct, actual, and unbroken line from Paine and the revolution to Phillips to Debs [that] is simply riveting." ~ Daniel Boyarin,author of A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity
Open Access
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