Circuits of Visibility

Gender and Transnational Media Cultures

By Radha S. Hegde
Published: 2011
Open Access Since: 2023
Paperback ISBN: 9780814737316
Hardcover ISBN: 9780814737309
Consumer eBook ISBN: 9780814790601
Library eBook ISBN: 9780814744680
Number of pages: 325 pages

Circuits of Visibility explores transnational media environments as pathways to understand the gendered constructions and contradictions that underwrite globalization. Tracking the ways in which gendered subjects are produced and defined in transnationally networked, media saturated environments, Circuits of Visibility presents sixteen essays that collectively advance a discussion about sexual politics, media, technology, and globalization.
Covering the internet, television, books, telecommunications, newspapers, and activist media work, the volume directs focused attention to the ways in which gender and sexuality issues are constructed and mobilized across the globe. Contributors’ essays span diverse global sites from Myanmar and Morocco to the Balkans, France, U.S., and China, and cover an extensive terrain from consumption, aesthetics and whiteness to masculinity, transnational labor, and cultural citizenship. Circuits of Visibility initiates a necessary conversation and political critique about the mediated global terrain on which sexuality is defined, performed, regulated, made visible, and experienced.

Contributor Bios

Radha S. Hegde is Associate Professor in the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University.


"An extraordinary collection of original approaches to familiar and unfamiliar issues about gendering and globalization. Each chapter gives us an unusual empirical study, charged with a sense of discovery. And each chapter gives us a type of theorizing that makes visible what is otherwise hidden." ~ Saskia Sassen,Columbia University
"Hegde's ambitious and well-crafted introduction outlines the ways in which sexuality and gender are entangled in transnational configurations such as celebrity, immigration, activism, religion, fashion and war." ~ Nitin Govil, International Journal of Communication
"This wide-ranging collection of essays should be of considerable interest to scholars of media, globalization and gender. It combines acute ethnographic reportage and a strong theoretical sense of the political economy of gendered images and in todays global media formations." ~ Arjun Appadurai,New York University
"It is a must-read for anyone interested in inter-sectional feminist analysis or globalization." ~ H-Net Reviews
Open Access
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