The Chrysanthemum and the Eagle

The Future of U.S.-Japan Relations

By Ryuzo Sato
Published: 1994
Open Access Since: 2014
Subjects: Politics Sociology
Paperback ISBN: 9780814780213
Hardcover ISBN: 9780814779712
Consumer eBook ISBN: 9780814741474
Library eBook ISBN: 9780814788707
Number of pages: 240 pages

Whether in the form of the ongoing automotive wars, books and films such as Michael Crichton's Rising Sun, or George Bush's ill-fated trip to Japan in 1991, frictions between the United States and Japan have been steadily on the rise. Americans are bombarded with images of Japan's fundamental difference; at the same time, voices in Japan call for a Japan That Can Say No. If the guiding principle of the Clinton administration is indeed new values for a new generation, how will this be reflected in U.S.-Japanese relations?
Convinced that no true solution to U.S.-Japanese frictions can be achieved without tracing these frictions back to their origin, Ryuzo Sato here draws on a binational experience that spans three decades in both the Japanese and American business and academic communities to do just that. In an attempt to bridge the communication gap between the two countries and dispel some of the mutual ignorance and misunderstanding that prevails between the two, Sato addresses the following questions:
--Is Japan really different?
--Has America's sun set?
--How have conflicting views on the role of government affected U.S.-Japan relations?
--What are the real differences in American and Japanese industrial policies?
--What is the anatomy of U.S.-Japanese antagonisms?
--What effect has the collapse of the bubble economy had on relations?
--What is Japan's future course? Is it truly a technological superpower? Can it avoid international isolation?
An incisive personal look at one of the most important political and economic global relationships, written by a major player in the world of international business and finance, THE CHRYSANTHEMUM AND THE EAGLE provides a readable and engaging tour of U.S.-Japan relations, past and present.

Contributor Bios

Ryuzo Sato is C.V. Starr Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Japan-U.S. Business and Economics Studies at the Stern School of Business at New York University. An Adjunct Professor of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economics Research, Sato was the recipient of the first Yomiuri Rondansho Award in Social Science Writing in 1991. Steeped in the business culture of both nations, he has for over 30 years divided his time lecturing and conducting research in Japan and the United States.


"Sato knows both Japanese realities and American dissatisfactions. He sees things from a rare vantage point. Some Japanese may feel he is too critical of Japan, while more Americans may think he overly values the Japanese model. But both can learn much from his book and, after reading it, will be convinced that he talks a great deal of sense and conclude that united, the two nations stand to gain, divided, to lose." ~ Masamichi Hanabusa ,Former Japanese Consul General, author of Trade Problems Between Japan and Western Europe
"[Sato] sets out to tell Japanese readers how their country looks from the U.S. and whyin his opinionsome American criticisms of Japan are right ... [Sato] strikes gold with a list of things Japan can do to put itself right with the rest of the world." ~ Far Eastern Economic Review
Open Access
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