Asian American Religions

The Making and Remaking of Borders and Boundaries

Edited by Tony Carnes and Fenggang Yang
Published: 2004
Open Access Since: 2021
Subjects: Religion
Paperback ISBN: 9780814716304
Hardcover ISBN: 9780814716298
Consumer eBook ISBN: 9780814772706
Library eBook ISBN: 9781479834372
Number of pages: 399 pages

Asian American Religions brings together some of the most current research on Asian American religions from a social science perspective. The volume focuses on religion in Asian American communities in New York, Houston, Los Angeles, and the Silicon Valley/Bay Area, and it includes a current demographic overview of the various Asian populations across the United States. It also provides information on current trends, such as that Filipino and Korean Americans are the most religiously observant people in America, that over 60 percent of Asian Americans who have a religious identification are Christian, and that one-third of Muslims in the United States are Asian Americans.
Rather than organizing the book around particular ethnic groups or religions, Asian American Religions centers on thematic issues, like symbols and rituals, political boundaries, and generation gaps, in order to highlight the role of Asian American religions in negotiating, accepting, redefining, changing, and creating boundaries in the communities' social life.

Contributor Bios

Tony Carnes directs the Seminar on Contents and Methods in the Social Sciences at Columbia University, the International Research Institute on Values Changes, and the Research Institute for New Americans. He is the coeditor of New York Glory: Religions in the City (NYU Press, 2001).
Fenggang Yang is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Purdue University. He is the author of Chinese Christians in America.


"Provides the most comprehensive coverage of Asian Americans' religious practices, cutting across different ethnic groups, religions, topics, and generations. It should be an essential reader for anyone interested in Asian Americans' religious practices." ~ Pyong Gap Min,co-editor of Religions in Asian America: Building Faith Communities
"This anthology represents the cutting-edge research on Asian American religions from a social science standpoint." ~ The Journal of Asian Studies
"This volume is an important contribution to a much needed recognition of the role of religion in American social and cultural life." ~ Multicultural Review
"Asian American Religion makes an important sociological contribution to our understanding of the nature of the interplay between religious diversity and American culture." ~ Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Open Access
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